Current: Gowanus is an art exhibit and sale presented by Arts Gowanus May 14-18, 2014. Curated by Benjamin Sutton, this exhibit will showcase the breadth and depth of visual art that is being made in Gowanus right now. Come on out, take your time with the art, experience Gowanus, and support Arts Gowanus. We look forward to seeing you there!
ARTISTS: Remy Amezuca, Rachel Bernstein, Matt Callinan, Ai Campbell, Kat Chamberlin, Caroline Chandler, Miska Draskoczy, James Ewart, Elizabeth Fiedorek, Veronique Gambier, Tony Geiger, Abby Goldstein, Meena Hasan, Megan Hays, Erik Hougen, Terrance Hughes, Sarah Jones, Sara Jones, Elizabeth Jordan, Suzy Kopf, Hiro Kurata, Jessica Levine, Romina Meric, Rene Murray, Liz Naiden, Phuong Nguyen, Alex Nunez, Sui Park, Helena Parriott, Guillaume Paturel, Sarah Nicole Phillips, Robert Saywitz, Rachel Schmidhofer, Joelle Shallon, Katie Shima, Evan Simon, Shura Skaya, Andrew Smenos, Maya Suess, Denise Treizman, TJ Volonis, Kit Warren, Andrea Wenglowskyj, Justin Whitkin